среда, 12 ноября 2014 г.

How Alcohol Affects Muscle Mass and Performance

How Alcohol Affects Muscle Mass and Performance

If you want to build up your stamina or increase your strength training, you do not achieve your goal by short-term, intensive effort, but you have to train regularly and planned to get better slowly but surely. For most fitness fans this is clear, and so they go regularly to the studio or turn their laps in the park or pool. For example, if you leave your efforts on vacation for a while, this quickly shows up through a declining fitness level. But not only occasional downtime, other factors can disrupt your training efforts.

Alcohol Affect Workout

Alcoholic beverages are, for various reasons, the natural enemy of their training efforts in particular, this increases the risk of injury and at the same time reduces the body’s ability to drawbacks such strokes. This is due, among other things, to the fact that alcohol drains the body by excreteing important salts with the urine in addition to liquid.

How Alcohol Affects Muscle-Building
How Alcohol Affects Muscle-Building

Alcohol disturbs the sleep rhythm and sleep quality; This disrupts many important repair mechanisms that run automatically as we rest. Moreover, the body is worse able to store glycogen. Glycogen is an important building block especially in endurance sports-it represents stored energy which can be released at short notice during exertion.

At the same time, cortisol is increasingly distributed after alcohol consumption. This stress hormone promotes inflammation and slows down healing processes. Increased values must also be demonstrated in the blood six hours after the last drink.

New studies show that alcohol can lead to a loss of up to 33% muscle mass. This phenomenon is called alcohol myopathy and it occurs because alcohol impairs the Proteinsytheserate. By the latter, our body forms muscle mass after being put through training and sports stimuli to muscle growth.

Thus, Alcohol not only ensures an increased reduction of muscle mass, but also prevents the construction of new muscles.

Original article and pictures take www.firsthealthfitness.com site

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