вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

Your Comprehensive Guide To Building An Envy-Inducing Chest

Your Comprehensive Guide To Building An Envy-Inducing Chest

“How much do you bench, bro?” That’s one of the most frequently asked questions on any given Monday – often referred to as National Chest Day.

A Google search for “chest training” brings up 982,000 results, and the chest stands above the arms and abs in this AskMen article ranking the body parts women find most attractive on men.

But why do so few bros actually sport a respectable pair of chesticles? The problem doesn’t lie in a lack of effort, but more likely in the execution.

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Meet John. John has a good set of arms, a narrow waist, and a wide back, but his pecs make his girlfriend’s A cups look robust. He’s been doing all the things he’s been told to do to build mass, but they simply aren’t working. John is a fictional character, but he represents a lot of guys out there.

So if you’re anything like him, here are 10 of the best damn chest exercises you should start doing right away – followed by five big chest training mistakes and ways to correct them, as well as tips to optimize your workouts and prevent injury.

1. Incline Crush/Squeeze Press

“The incline crush press is one of my favorite chest exercises for a couple of different reasons,” says strength coach Joey Percia.

“Most guys have poor upper chest development from the absence of pressing at different angles during their training. The incline crush press hammers the upper chest. You control the difficulty of this exercise two different ways: With the load and the [intensity with which] you are crushing the dumbbells together. “

To perform the incline crush press, set up on an incline bench with a neutral grip. Make sure the dumbbells are touching. Squeeze the dumbbells into each other as hard as you can as you press the weights up towards the ceiling. When you reach the top of the movement, reverse the weight by lowering it with control and still keeping loads of tension between the dumbbells.

To perform the squeeze press, grab two dumbbells, set up on a flat or incline bench, squeeze the dumbbells together, and press up. Make sure to squeeze the dumbbells together as hard as you can through the entire range of motion.

2. Banded Dumbbell Fly

When it comes to pec development, time under tension is the name of the game. Check your ego at the door and use a modest pair of dumbbells for this exercise.

Then, simply grab opposite ends of a resistance band with both hands and stretch the elastic behind your back. Grab a pair of dumbbells, and lower yourself into a fly position.

The other cue here is to hold the dumbbells in a press position (instead of a neutral grip). But you still want to perform the exercise as if you were doing a fly. This slight tweak increases the stretch at the bottom position, which will help you maximize your gains.

3. Smith Machine Press

There’s some unnecessary hate for this machine. The plane of motion is fixed. It’s not “functional” (whatever that means). Experts argue that it's unnatural for your body to exercise through a fixed plane. Sure, you should never rely solely on isolation moves. But if muscle building is your goal, you do want to use only one joint and isolate your muscle. The Smith helps you accomplish that by forcing you to keep continuous tension on your muscle.

4. Sven Press

Scott Tousignant of Metabolic Masterpiece shows you the Sven press using a technique called Myo Reps.

The Sven press involves pressing two 25-pound plates squeezed together while intensifying the contraction in your upper pecs through the entire range of motion. You’ll set up on a flat bench and rep it out just as if you were doing the squeeze press above — but using plates instead of dumbbells.

The wrinkle here is the Myo Reps technique, which involves 20 reps on the initial sets, followed by alternating five seconds of rest with five reps until complete failure.

5. Plyo Push-Up Speed Ladder

The speed and agility ladder is one the best training tools to help athletes learn a huge array of movement patterns, according to Arizona-based fitness coach and author Jeremy Scott.

This amazing training tool is not only limited to top-level athletes; the average Joe can reap plenty of benefits from utilizing a speed ladder.

The Plyo Pushup Speed Ladder is an unconventional exercise that’ll test you in ways machines and dumbbells won't.

6. Dumbbell Press With A Twist

The setup here is the same as a conventional dumbbell press, but you’re extending the set by adding a twist at peak contraction, when you reach the top of the movement. Adding a twist at the end extends each rep and really forces maximum tension in your pecs (the perfect combo to help you build a bigger chest).

7. Incline Barbell Press

Tried-and-tested exercises are not to be ignored.

Personal trainer Alexander Juan Cortes says the incline barbell press is extremely effective and can be used for long-term progress.

“A strong incline bench is a reliable indicator of both well-developed pecs and shoulders, tends to be less stressful on the shoulder joint than the flat bench, and develops the upper pec muscle and anterior delts, which is aesthetically pleasing and has great transference to sports that require forward ‘pressing’ strength,” he says.

“People love to get weird with their recommendations and recommend either obscure exercises or ‘functional’ movements that are only minimally effective for building muscle.”

Here’s John Meadows demonstrating the movement with continuous tension, stopping an inch or two short of touching his chest and locking out.

8. Incline Dumbbell Press

"For pure aesthetic and physique improvement, the dumbbell incline bench press cannot be beat,” says Jason Helmes of Anyman Fitness.

“This movement is meant to be volume-based. You're not chasing a one-rep max. You are recruiting every possible muscle fiber in your chest, using a controlled movement and a higher rep range (8-15), and completing multiple sets per session (3-5),” he says. “The chest grows best with volume, so be sure to program the move at least twice per week for maximum exposure.

Helmes says to be sure you’re not using body English: No pauses at the top or bounces at the bottom. Focus on doing a smooth, controlled motion while keeping constant tension on your pec muscles.

“If you follow these instructions, soon you'll be able to rest your drink on your upper chest," says Helmes.

9. Dumbbell Press With Bands

Bands allow for accommodating resistance through the entire range of motion, matching your strength curve. In other words, the bands are most resistant when you’re at your strongest (i.e. band is fully lengthened at the peak of a chest press, when you’re near full extension), challenging you equally throughout the entire distance your targeted muscle group travels. This adds a whole other level of difficulty to any exercise — without having to go too heavy and sacrifice form.

The range of motion is short here, but tension is kept on the pecs continuously — with no drop or pause at the top or bottom.

10. Elevated Stretch Push-Ups

Sure, push-ups are cool, but you can add another level of intensity to them with this exercise.

This is a great finisher on chest day, and it will also help you enhance your flexibility. Keep your chin up to maximize the stretch, and don't let your lower back sag.

Elevate your feet and use two step-up platforms to give yourself a deeper stretch at the bottom. (Notice a pattern here?)

Here’s John Meadows showing you the best way to perform this movement:

Bonus: Cable Fly

The cable fly is one of the best chest isolation exercises. When it comes to hypertrophy, keeping tension on your working muscle is key. During a bent-forward cable raise, the cables force you to maintain that muscle tension throughout the movement — even around peak contraction when the hands are close.

5 Chest Training Mistakes (And Fixes)

1. Overreliance On Flat Bench Pressing

For guys focused on building a bigger chest, the bench press is just another chest exercise and not necessarily the Holy Grail of chest moves. Let's bring back our fictional character John.

Barbell pressing bothered John’s shoulders and he rarely felt his pecs working as much as during isolation exercises. Plus, maintaining good technique (i.e. elbows tucked, arched back, retracted shoulders) seemed to reduce a lot of pectoral muscle recruitment for him.

If you’re like John, maximum chest muscle recruitment during a bench press requires maintaining a flat back while keeping your elbows at a 90-degree angle and bringing the bar just above your chest. But this form comes with a risk of shoulder impingement or pec tears, so most trainers advise against using it for 1RM (one-rep max) sets – if at all.

The solution: Swap out the barbell for a pair of dumbbells or move to a decline or incline bench.

2. Slow Down, You’re Going to Blow

There is a reason nearly every bodybuilding program out there instructs you to take the eccentric portion of an exercise slowly.

John doesn’t bring the weight down with much control. Instead, he focuses on lifting as heavy as possible. To make matters worse, he bounces the bar off his chest with each rep, leaving plenty of growth opportunities on the table by reducing the tension on the target muscle.

John needs to check his ego at the door and reduce the weight to focus on the eccentric (the part of the movement where you lower the weight) portion of the lift.

If you’re making the same mistake as John, try this: Instead of taking two seconds to lower the weights, try taking twice the time.

3. Mind Over Matter

This isn’t just broscience. Establishing a mind-muscle connection is key to maximizing chest development. A review of the scientific literature by researchers Brad Schoenfeld and Bret Contreras found a direct link between establishing a mind-muscle connection and muscle activation.

Here is an excerpt from the review: “When the goal is to maximize hypertrophy, indirect evidence suggests that an internal focus may be the best approach […]. When attempting to maximize muscle activation, an internal focus of attention would seem to be a better choice.”

In other words, stop lifting too heavy in an attempt to get the attention of the girl in the booty shorts, and lift for results. The effectiveness of the mind-muscle connection is reduced when training at higher loads, and if you’re like most gym-goers, you’re probably training too heavy — using enough body English to rival your dance moves after one too many vodka Red Bulls.

4. Pump Up The Volume (In Training Blocks)

John simply isn’t training his chest with enough volume. He thinks a few heavy sets of barbell presses followed by a few more sets of flies once a week will do the trick.

But when, like John, your goal is to maximize muscle development, volume is king. A meta-analysis published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that multiple-set training results in a 40% greater increases in muscle growth compared to single-set workouts.

Keep in mind the optimal number of sets varies from person to person and depends on a host of individual factors such as genetics, recovery, level of advancement, and diet. So if your current training has you doing 8 total sets for chest every week, don’t throw in 40 sets this week. You need to know that repeatedly training with a high volume will inevitably lead to overtraining.

Periodized training will help you avoid the overtraining plague while benefitting from a high volume training approach. Mike Israetel of Renaissance Periodization calls the peak amount of work you can do each week without hitting a wall MRV (Maximum Recoverable Volume). He recommends completing 15-25 sets per muscle group per week, split over two to four training sessions (so don’t just do all 25 sets on Monday and call it your chest day).

You could invariably go up to 30 sets of work per week, but you will need to bring the intensity down. Israetel’s recommendation for intensity is to lift within 55-85% of your 1RM. Remember; you’re focused on building muscle before anything else.

5. Don’t Neglect Your Upper Pec

To build visually impressive pecs, you need to spend more time attacking the upper pecs, according to fitness coach and AskMen writer Bryan Krahn.

And not just with heavy weights: You also need to target them with different exercises that stress all functions of the pecs, ideally through a variety of rep ranges and time under tension.

Here’s Krahn’s favorite upper chest workout:

A1) DB Pullover – 3 x 12-15

Increase the stretch with each rep, engage your upper pecs during the concentric portion of the movement and stop an inch above your chest.

B1) Incline Mid Grip BB press — 4 x 4-6

Lower the barbell to the top of your pec, pause for one second and drive up over your face. Rest 10 seconds.

B2) Incline DB Press, Neutral Grip – 4 x 8-10

Using a neutral grip, lower the dumbbells to your shoulders. Pause at pec level and drive straight up.

Rest 10 seconds.

B3) Incline DB Fly, Unrolling – 4 x 12-15

Grab two light dumbbells and do incline flyes, dropping your forearms back towards your head. When you reach a maximum stretch, switch your grip from pronated to supinated and return to the top.

Rest two minutes.

RELATED: Here's A Tailored Diet And Exercise Regimen To Get That Chiseled Chest

Injury Prevention

Oh, the good-old days when you could walk into the gym and load up a barbell without a care in the world. But countless reps and sets later, you realize the inevitable wear-and-tear has caught up with you.

First of all, no matter your age (but especially as you hit that 30+ barrier), a proper warm-up is necessary to prevent injury and prepare your joints for the battle to follow. But it doesn’t require a 77-minute foam-rolling marathon followed by 83 minutes of plyometrics and stretching.

You’ve seen the ugly pec tear videos on YouTube. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, follow the three following tips.

1. Focus On Exercise Sequence First

The way you set up your exercise program is crucial to preventing injury.

Take, for example, a typical chest workout. You probably go in cold and start loading up the bench press, right? Instead, you should start with a low-load machine press or dumbbell press, pyramiding up in weight. You will fill the shoulder and elbow joints with blood (plus your chest muscles), better protecting them for the sets to follow.

Tip: For your first exercise, choose uncomplicated movements that allow you to really feel the target muscle working and start driving blood and nutrients into the muscle, preparing the joint, ligament and tendons for your workout.

2. Wear Protection

Sure, you like to wear a tank top that flashes more nipple than a Janet Jackson Super Bowl performance. And that girl reading on the elliptical might gaze your way just when you’re hitting your side chest flex.

But keeping your shoulders and elbows warm is more important in the long run. Either wear long sleeves for the first part of your workout or invest in elbow sleeves or wrist wraps.

Tip: Set your ego aside and invest in protection to better shield your joints.

3. Use Proper Technique

An extreme elbow flare can set you up for shoulder impingements while too much of an elbow tuck minimizes pectoral activation and power output (and turns your chest exercise into a triceps one).

The great strength coach Greg Nuckols does an amazing job at cueing bench press form:

“The perfect bench press rep starts without any weight on the bar. Why no weight? The first thing you need to do is determine your proper hand spacing on the bar,” he says. “For optimal power, your forearms should be as close to vertical as possible at the bottom of the rep.”

His next cue is to plant your feet firmly on the floor, and force your shoulder blades together tightly on the bench beneath you. This will force your shoulders back and drive you to puff your chest out, placing the pecs in an optimal position to perform the press.

Next, remove the bar from the racks and tighten up your torso muscles. Begin lowering the bar with complete control throughout the whole movement. Nuckol suggests stopping when you reach the bottom of your sternum (where your breastbone is).

The powerlifting community favors the idea of driving the movement with your legs. You absolutely want your feet planted for stability, but you’re looking to build muscle here — not lift the most weight as possible — so this isn’t something you need to worry about.

“Keep your feet firmly planted on the floor even if you start to struggle with the weight,” says Nuckols. “The moment you lift your feet off the floor, you break your base of power and the odds of you completing the lift diminish greatly.”

Additional Chest Training Tip

Before deciding on a routine to follow, do yourself a favor and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Does your upper chest ring hollow? Then focus on chest exercises performed on an incline (the program mentioned above is a good start). If your lower chest is droopy, then hit your chest with more decline movements.

Mitch Calvert is a certified trainer and fat-loss coach. He discovered his love for fitness 14 years ago at 240 lbs – and now works specifically with men like his former self who have weight to lose and confidence to gain. He hosts Mansformation Challenges for guys looking to get over the fat-loss hump. Download his sample chest routine.

Original article and pictures take images.askmen.com site

пятница, 8 декабря 2017 г.

You are incredible. You deserve to feel good.

You are incredible. You deserve to feel good.

Hey girl! I was reading your blog and learning about you, and first i'd like to say that you're awesome. Awesome. Living my dream right now lol (modeling)!! What I love is that you encourage people instead of discourage :) it warms my heart :')). I grew up the thicker, taller girl out of my twin sister and I (I'm only 5'7.75) but so far i've lost about 9 lbs. My problem is my thighs. I'm just naturally thick and It sucks but I know there's has to be something else that could help. Any advice????

Ow wow thank-you so so much, you’ve absolutely made my day :)! Well first of all if that’s you in your icon you honestly look so thin and amazing! 9lbs is an amazing feat, you should be really really proud. And woohoooo! Embrace your tallness! Tall girls unite ;)

Well one thing I’ve learned from tumblr (especially before and afters, is that through hard work and dedication you can always change your physique. I’ve seen girls who were quite ‘boyish’ looking I guess, work to have the sexiest most feminine figure ever haha, everything is possible! It all really depends on whether you have muscular or fatty thighs? I’m gonna go ahead and guess muscular due to you saying thicker? Seeing as you have already lost a fair bit of weight I’m going to assume you’ve lowered your calorie intake, keep this up and remember to eat clean 90% of the time, stick to healthy low-glycemic carbohydrates such as fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts and seeds.

Before you set about trying to slim down your thighs, you need to establish whether you have big thigh muscles or a lot of thigh fat.

  1. Straighten your leg
  2. Tighten your thigh muscles
  3. Pinch the top layer of fat and skin of the thigh

If there is much to pinch, then fat is making your thighs big and you’ll also probably suffer with cellulite. (read more about fat thighs)

If there is little to pinch, you have large thigh muscles and little fat and will have little cellulite, if any. (read more about muscular thighs)

Here are some tips on HOW TO SLIM THIGHS from superskinnyme.com

1. Avoid exercises such as squats

Avoid exercises such as squats, lunges, leg curls, stiff-legged deadlifts, leg extensions and calf raises, especially with heavy weights for now. They DO NOT slim thighs. A piece of cardio machinery you would do well to avoid is the Stairmaster/step machine. Although these exercise are often promoted to make thighs smaller, they actually target thigh muscles and can make them bigger. Weight training make muscle fibers larger. You can do these exercises once you have striped fat from your thighs WITH CARDIO and have a clearer idea of how muscular your thighs are.

2. Cardiovascular exercise to slim thighs

This is the main tool in your arsenal. Your cardio goal should be to burn fat without gaining much muscle mass in the thighs. To achieve this you need to avoid working the thigh muscles more than necessary. If you are working out on cardio equipment, you need to keep the resistance low (e.g. elliptical trainer, stationary bike) or the incline low (e.g.treadmill). However, aim for a moderately high intensity (how hard you are exercising) for maximum effectiveness. Use the heart rate calculator. If you are exercising outside avoid hilly terrain.

3. Long-duration cardio to burn fat without bulking up

This will avoid targeting the type of muscle fiber that makes muscle get big and bulky. Instead, long-duration cardio (e.g. long-distance running) will target a smaller muscle fiber that has very limited capacity for growth. The result is that you build stronger muscle without building big thigh muscles, while burning fat. On the other hand, avoid short intense bouts of cardio (e.g. sprinting, HIIT). Although this can be a great fat burner, it may also increase the size of your thigh muscles. Endurance running is one of the most effective exercise to get defined, slim thighs and legs. Endurance runners tend to have very slim legs, especially in compared with sprinters who have highly developed and very large thigh muscles.

4. Running to slim thighs and reshape legs

Endurance running is especially effective in those who have big thigh muscles, as it may decrease the size of the muscles and reduce fat around the muscle to make the thighs smaller. It will completely transform the size and make-up of your thighs and your calves. Therefore, to slim down thighs do endurance running with little or no incline. If you find it too difficult to run or are unable to run, try the elliptical trainer with little or no resistance. Posture on the elliptical trainer is critical. Correct posture will target your butt, outer thigh and hamstring muscles (back of thighs) and lessen the strain on your quadriceps (front of thighs), avoiding you from inadvertently building big thighs.

5. Resistance training

When you have lost some fat from your thighs you can think about resistance training. If you need to increase muscle mass in order to increase the shape and definition of your thighs you can implement resistance exercises. In order to have fantastic legs you need muscle. Therefore, if you lack shape having lost weight, a program of resistance training targeting the legs will help to shape and firm them. Be sure to keep the weights moderately light (up to 70% of your one-lift maximum), so that your thigh muscles become harder, stronger and more defined, but not significantly larger. In other words, focus on completing more repetitions, with less resistance. Those who have the type of muscle (mesomorphs) that responds quickly and gets big need to be particularly vigilant and may not choose not to do any such exercises, since their thigh muscles are already well toned.

6. Patience

You need to be patient and focused on what you want to achieve. You cannot burn body fat in specific areas, especially inner thigh fat. You cannot spot reduce. Body fat is lost from the entire body during weight loss. The inner thighs will be one of the last areas of the body in a woman to be slim and firm. Just remember to be realistic and to take your body shape, genetics and current level of body fat into consideration when setting goals. You can get slim thighs, but you need time to get there.

THIS WEBSITE has a great workout routine for strong, slim, defined thighs. If you do it every day for a week, you will see noticeable change in your thighs and legs. Take a before and after, put it on your blog and tag me so I don’t miss it!


Original article and pictures take 78.media.tumblr.com site

понедельник, 4 декабря 2017 г.

Yoga & Lean Muscle Mass

Yoga & Lean Muscle Mass
Yoga & Lean Muscle Mass

You want that chiseled-muscle look, but you don't want to spend hours lifting weights in the gym. If you're more of a Zen type of fitness enthusiast, you might wonder if you can gain lean muscle mass simply by doing yoga. The answer? A little, but it can't be your only source of strength-training.

A couple of studies back up the idea that you can gain muscle through yoga. First, research published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine in 2012 found that eight weeks of yoga in women aged 35 to 50 boosted leg strength — but it didn't have much impact on muscle anywhere else. Another study, published in 2013 in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, looked at Bikram yoga's effect on physical fitness in young adults, and found that regular practice improved deadlift strength. Again, it didn't build muscle much elsewhere.

So, you might conclude that you can't build much lean muscle mass through yoga; however, that doesn't mean it can't challenge your muscles and improve your physical fitness — including muscle strength — overall. You simply need to pick the right poses.

Muscle-Building Yoga Poses

Novices tend to think of yoga as a way to stretch and relax and, in some cases, that's true. However, a number of poses require you to lift your own body weight and that can build muscle, if done enough.

To build leg muscle, focus on poses that require holding standing poses, such as Warrior I, Triangle, Chair and Tree. Plenty of poses allow you to work on core strength; they include Plank, Boat and Locust poses. When you're ready to train your arms, try Upward Plank, Crane (Crow) and Side Plank pose. While each of these poses might feel like they target a certain part of the body, they actually recruit multiple muscles at once. For example, the Plank pose might work your abdominals the most, but it also hits your arms and shoulders. The Side Plank will leave your arms shaking, but your obliques will hurt, too. These compound movements make building strength via yoga a more efficient practice.

The Plank pose builds strength in the core and arms.

The practice of power yoga is devoted to building your fitness level, as opposed to meditation or breath work like other disciplines. Power yoga is typically a vinyasa practice, meaning that you flow from pose to pose, building up a sweat, increasing your heart rate and taxing your muscles.

Power yoga is a derivative of Ashtanga, a flowing yoga class based on a set sequence of poses. However, a key difference is that the teacher of a power yoga class will vary poses — and that's great for muscle-building, as it keeps your muscles challenged.

Additionally, this fast-paced flow is actually better for muscle-building, according to a 2017 study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Researchers found that swiftly transitioning from one pose to another produced higher muscle activity than poses held for a longer period of time.

If you're really interested in gains, yoga isn't going to be the most time-efficient way to do it. While yoga will benefit your overall health, you'll want to lift heavy weights to gain lean muscle mass. Aim to engage in resistance training for all major muscle groups — legs, hip, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms — at least two times a week. If you don't like traditional weights such as dumbbells, barbells and weight machines, you can do bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups and squats or invest in resistance bands.

Original article and pictures take www.livestrong.com site

среда, 29 ноября 2017 г.

Women's Fat Loss 6-Week Training Program

Women's Fat Loss 6-Week Training Program
Women's Fat Loss 6-Week Training Program

This is a 6 week program designed to cut body fat and maintain lean muscle mass. Through a combination of dropsets, supersets, and megasets, you will push your body to increase heart rate and burn more calories.

Combing fast paced, resistance training with HIIT and LISS cardio, you will be able to put your body into a calorie deficit. There are many variables in fat loss, but what holds the most importance is calories burned > calories taken in. We also suggest to use the recommended EVL Product Stack provided in this program.

This is the tutorial page to show you to understand the program. This is not your standard 3 sets of 8, next exercise, repeat training guide. This involves supersets, megasets, dropsets, and a variety of training methods that aren’t your typical approach to the gym.

Superset Example: The goal of a Superset is to maximize time and is performed when two exercises are worked in a row without stopping. In this example, you would start with the first set of 10 of Machine Rows followed by the first set of 15 reps of Machine Chest Press.

Circuit Example: A circuit is designed to burn the most amount of calories in the shortest amount of time. You will have a series of exercises to perform in a row, repeating the circuit multiple times. There should be no rest within the circuit, only between the next cycle of exercises.

Dropset Example: Dropsets are a training method where you perform an exercise followed by lowering the weight and continuing for more reps. In this example, you would perform the first set of 12 reps with Dumbbell Front Raises, followed by lowering the weight for the second set of 12 reps with Dumbbell Front Raises.

Original article and pictures take cdn.shopify.com site

понедельник, 20 ноября 2017 г.

Why Muscle Mass Trumps BMI

Why Muscle Mass Trumps BMI
muscle mass vs bmi
Why BMI isn’t all-that after all. Photo credit: Heather Neal

One of the first things you learn in the series of courses that leads to a nutrition degree is how to calculate BMI — body mass index. It’s one of the things you determine during every nutrition assessment no matter the cause for the visit. It becomes ingrained in your head. Hi, what’s your name? How much do you weigh? How tall are you? Oh, ok your BMI is___. Even the worst of mathematicians earns the ability to at least remotely estimate BMI upon hearing height and weight. It’s a mathematical equation that becomes second nature.

You might be wondering what a mathematical equation has to do with nutrition and health. Though I can calculate a BMI easier than I can divide 35 by 7, I can’t tell you its importance. Actually it’s the exact opposite — dietetics professionals have been wondering for years why we continue to use this seemingly arbitrary equation as such a solid predictor of health.

BMI is a measure of body mass. Essentially it’s another way to look at weight. At first glance, it’s a better measure than weight because it takes into account a person’s height. A 200-pound man that’s 6-and-a-half feet tall is completely different from a 200-pound 5-footer. BMI helps identify whether someone is at a healthy weight vs. overweight, obese, underweight, etc. The problem is that it doesn’t take into account body composition. That means it doesn’t matter whether that 6.5-foot man is 7% body fat or 47% body fat.

While this has been a long-known conundrum, BMI still gets used for many important things — insurance guidelines, medication use, disease predictors, etc. But maybe things can finally start to change. Finally. Research in The American Journal of Medicine examined thousands of individuals in a longterm study. They found that muscle mass was a better predictor of life span than BMI. Paring it down quite a bit, it basically means that you have a better chance of living longer if you have more muscle, regardless of your weight-to-height ratio.

That doesn’t mean we’re going to see BMI go out the window. BMI often tends to correlate with muscle mass correctly, as in most people with a high BMI have more fat. Those that have a high BMI because they have so much muscle are typically an exception to the rule. But what it does mean is that muscle mass is important. While we all know it’s important to keep our weight in check, maybe a better way of looking at the whole picture of health is to make sure our muscle is in check. Focus on strength training and other muscle-building activities instead of just rote cardio and dieting. (There’s good news hidden in that statement — you have to eat to build muscle!) This is especially true for women and the elderly, as women tend to have less muscle mass compared to men, and we lose muscle mass each year starting at a rather early age.

Original article and pictures take www.babble.com site

среда, 15 ноября 2017 г.

What You Must Eat To Build Lean Muscle

What You Must Eat To Build Lean Muscle

Building lean muscles is often perceived as an easy task that would be gained by simply eating anything to everything that comes your way. Well, this is one of the biggest mistakes that most people make when trying to achieve their goals.

Must Eat To Build Lean Muscle

Building lean muscles all depends on what you choose to eat. There are certain foods that are highly recommended and yet there are those that should totally be avoided. For example, junky foods should not be in your list of favorite foods if you are planning to build lean muscles. In addition to eating a lot of calories, serious training should be part of your regular routine.

When building lean muscles, the main target that should be on your mind in terms of your diet plan is taking foods with minimal fat content. Doing this is quite beneficial in a variety of ways including the fact that you would be saving your heart from diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Also, your metabolism would be improved and your joints strengthened. Below are top foods to take when planning to build lean muscles.


Beef is one of the most recommended foods to build lean muscle since they have a lot of proteins to offer. Additionally, they contain cholesterol, vitamin B, iron and zinc. If you can get beef from cattle that are grass fed then this would work best for you. This is because grass fed cattle have got more conjugated linoleic acid than other forms of cattle. Thus, building lean muscle would be easy since fat shedding would be boosted by eating beef.


The protein obtained from salmon is similar to that which is obtained from pork, beef and chicken. The best thing about salmon is that they have low fat content (bad fats). Hence by eating salmon the risk of gaining high cholesterol levels is low. Omega 3 fats are also present in salmon which implies that you would be gaining benefits such as reducing heart diseases, glowing skin and healthy joints.


Beets are famous for betaine nutrient. This nutrient is the best remedy for joint problems and liver ailments. Studies have also proven that betaine helps to enhance muscle power and strength.

Brown Rice

To ensure that you train for hours without getting tired, brown rice is recommended for you. This rice takes time to be digested which ensures that your body retains energy during your workout sessions. Furthermore, brown rice boosts GH (Growth Hormone) levels and this encourages the lean muscle growth that you yearn for.


Eggs are an excellent choice for proteins. Medics argue that eggs help in boosting lean muscle growth and also enhancing strength gains. This is attributed to the yolks since cholesterol is found here.

At times people are worried about their cholesterol levels shooting up after eating a lot of yolks. Well, studies prove that cholesterol obtained from eggs help in reducing LDL i.e. bad cholesterol linked with atherosclerosis.


Building lean muscle also requires that you take in some healthy carbs. Cantaloupe is a fruit considered to be the best in carbs that digest easily.

Original article and pictures take lifelivity.com site

четверг, 9 ноября 2017 г.

What Does HGH Do For You And Why You Should Consider Taking Human Growth Hormone Supplements

What Does HGH Do For You And Why You Should Consider Taking Human Growth Hormone Supplements
positive effects of HGH

Human growth hormone supplements are popular among celebrities and athletes but why? What does HGH do for you? Read on and find out why they use these supplements daily.

There are no limitations for you to try them too and have positive effects on your health and appearance.

Youth is beautiful but what can we do when we get older? There are some products available in the market these days which can make you look younger and help you regain the lost charm and beauty.

Are you surprised? It is possible by increasing human growth hormone levels by taking human growth hormone supplements (HGHS). Many athletes and celebrities around the world have been spotted for buying illicit human growth hormone injections. The growth hormone is a hormone that helps in the fat burning process and maintains muscle mass.

What does HGH do for You?

However, there are some natural ways to grow human growth hormone levels in the body without having to buy powerful drugs illegally. The effects of taking supplements can be noticed immediately after the first few weeks of use. By taking the proper dosage at the proper time, you can effectively increase energy levels and stamina.

It is entirely true that human growth hormone lifts inner spirit, boost overall well-being, and have other additional benefits on our bodies. While human growth hormone mainly regulates the body and its functioning, it will affect on the positive attitude of an individual.

human growth hormone supplements

The time you start taking supplements, the results will be apparent within a month. The users will experience improved nail growth, increased resistance to illness, better facial skin tone and increase power and energy.

After a few months of continuous usage of HGHS, significant changes should occur. What does HGH do for you? HGHS users effectively increase their muscle mass, regain hair. Women have the radical drop in menopausal symptoms due to growth hormone consumtion.

Moreover, physical injury and pain will be recovered faster, and muscle pain and diseases due to old age will be prevented. What is the most advantageous for the user is his general appearance that should improve from outside as well as from inside.

Human Growth Hormone Supplement Dosage

Human growth hormone comes in two distinct varieties, authorized and unauthorized. The most efficient authorized way is to enjoy the benefits of oral HGHS. Nevertheless you should watch out for the dosage, it reduces the risk of overdose, unlike in injections.

It is crucial to consider that you are taking the correct dose of human growth hormone regarding your needs. Most of the users claim that HGH works positively in maintaining their body without negative consequences.

Positive Effects of Human Growth Hormone Supplements

Continuous usage of HGHS has some positive effects on people. See what does hgh do for you.

What does HGH do for you
1. Helps to smoothen the skin

Human growth hormone can contribute to making your skin smoother and refreshed. It helps you fight wrinkles, crow’s feet, and the laugh lines. By taking the necessary vitamins for your skin, human growth hormone prevents the visible symptoms of aging taking over your face.

2. Decreases human fat and promote muscle growth

For many men the reality of old age is the gradual onset of obesity as working out becomes too tiring and the results begin to diminish. HGH works to decrease human fat, and yet still help to improve muscle growth by bringing proteins and testosterone into your body.

3. Helps to maintain a healthy bone density

As body ages, we become more predisposed to accidents as bone weaken, and joints ease. Human growth hormone can help to keep bone density healthy. It can increase durability during exercise. Trainings can improve bone health, as senior men may undergo from joints that are weak or existing injuries.

4. Can boost the brain activity

hghs improves brain memory

It stimulates your brain with important natural energy sources, and this helps maintain memory and focus. Read more here. If you are an older man or woman who still have to work, then a boost to your brain may help you in your job.

This supplement is perhaps the most all rounded recipe you can buy, and the ingredients will positively affect your body throughout the day.

You will see changes in energy levels, general health, and your mental capacity. HGH can make a huge difference if you combine it with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

5. Leads to energy level increase

Human growth hormone supplements can raise energy levels by increasing your blood circulation and flow. It also helps essential nutrients to get to the right parts of your body. Proteins and other amino acids will be distributed to muscles to repear themselves. Vitamins will be delivered to the human brain to maintain its sharpness. Furthermore, it will help you control cholesterol levels.

6. Helps in fighting illness

hgh for good Immune system

It can increase your imunne system activity and support you to fight disease much faster.

Colds, flu and another sicknesses will have difficult time to reach you, if you take additional growth hormone.

7. Helps to improve the blood pressure

HGH will also assist people with unbalanced blood pressure. With balanced blood preasure you will avoid poor circulation, damage tot he heart and tissue, and risk of heart attack and stroke.

8. Helps to kick start the body metabolism
boost your metabolism with hghs

The HGH supplements help fight body fat by kick starting your metabolism. You will have easier time to loose pounds. When obesity is tackled, you can stop worrying about other issues that are associated with it.

9. Improves the memory condition

If you have troubles with memory loss that are typically caused by age, then human growth hormone can help you to increase your brain activity.

HGHS can Change Your Entire Life

So, what does hgh do for you? The human growth hormone supplements can raise your mood during the day. With an energetic attitude and longer lasting levels of stamina, you can complete the day with the feeling of achievement. It will also help you sleep, so you will wake up fresh and prepared to start a new day.

Original article and pictures take genf20-plus-review.com site