четверг, 5 июня 2014 г.

Everything about muscle mass percentage with charts

Everything about muscle mass percentage with charts

Pretty much everyone nowadays worries about their BMI and their body fat percentage. Although these two variables are very important when it come to keeping fit and healthy, there is often one variable that is forgotten, muscle mass percentage. Yes, having a low body fat percentage means you are keeping your body in tip top condition and brings several health benefits which can be very beneficial, and yes having a healthy BMI is important in making sure that you do not become over or under weight, but many people forget about their muscle mass percentage, which is what it sounds like, the percentage of your body mass that is muscle. Having a low muscle mass percentage can bring lots of drawbacks, such as the obvious, not being able to lift heavy objects, having difficulty performing routine daily tasks, but on the flipside having a muscle mass percentage which is too high for you can actually bring some negatives, for example having an extremely high metabolism rate which means that you have to eat almost every hour of the waking day, and having to have extreme workout regimes just to maintain your high muscle mass. However, for most people having the ideal muscle mass percentage is easy to figure out thanks to modern day charts and measuring techniques. We will now go over the ideal muscle mass percentage for you to strive for, based on your age and gender, and how to find out your precise muscle mass percentage from the comfort of your own home.

What is Your Ideal Muscle Mass Percentage ?

The chart below is fairly self explanatory, based on your age and gender you want to be aiming to keep your muscle mass in the upper and lower bounds set out. If you are a normal exercise enthusiast, then you should look to keep your muscle mass in the normal zone, as having a low muscle mass will be disadvantageous, and having too high a muscle mass will unlikely provide any massive health benefits, but at the same time will cause your metabolism to shoot up and require a stricter workout regime to maintain. However, if you are attempting to reach that coveted “athlete” or “getting toned” status then you will want to push your muscle mass to the very high category, however you should always consult a personal trainer or GP before attempting such a feat, as no one knows exactly how their body will react to the drastic changes until they actually get there. Actually wanting to get to that very high muscle mass percentage category is one thing, but actually getting there in practice is another thing entirely. Chances are to get to such a high muscle mass you will need a specially crafted exercise schedule and diet you can read this helpful article on how to build muscle fast , as well as maybe even taking supplements, so getting to a high muscle mass is no easy task, but once achieved will bring much joy to you.

muscle mass percentage chart

The above chart shows the ideal muscle mass percentage one should have, and there is no exact science to what muscle mass you should have, but most experts tend to agree that you should keep your muscle mass in a specific area. Here is another chart, which was produced by a different experts, and has slightly different recommendations at to where to aim to keep your muscle mass.

muscle mass percentage chart2

As you can see by looking at the muscle mass percentage column on this new chart, and comparing it to that on the other chart, they both offer almost the exact same guidance when it comes to muscle mass percentage, with the first chart offering a wider range of a normal acceptable percentage. However both of these charts are just general guidelines made for everyone, so if you want to know exactly what muscle mass you should be aiming for based on your unique individual circumstances, then you should definitely consult your personal physician. Now that you have hopefully determined successfully what muscle mass percentage you should be aiming for, we will now go on to a brief guide as to help you find out you own current muscle mass from the comfort of your own home.

How To Find Your Muscle Mass Percentage At Home?

Now although you will not be able to find out your precise muscle mass percentage by yourself at home, because you will not be able to find out by yourself what mass percentage your bones and organs take up without specialist assistance and equipment, you will instead be calculating your lean body mass percentage, which is as close to your muscle mass percentage as you will get to at home.

The first step to calculating your lean body mass percentage is figuring out your body fat percentage. Now this can be a little tricky to measure, especially if you have never measured it before. If you need a quick way to measure your body fat, then try out a inaccurate measurement method, such as the US navy measurement method or the YMCA measurement method.

The next step is very easy, to get your lean mass percentage all you have to do is subtract your body fat percentage from one hundred to get your lean body mass. Now, it is not over just yet, and if you want to find out the exact mass of your lean body mass then there is one more simple step to perform.

In order to find your lean muscle mass you have to take your lean muscle mass percentage and divide by a hundred, so for example if you have a lean body mass percentage of 30, you will get 0.3 , then what you have to do is divide your total body mass by the decimal that you just calculated to get to you total lean body mass.

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I hope that this article was helpful and informative in some way, as muscle mass seems to be commonly overlooked, as always remember to consult your physician before undergoing a big task such as increasing your muscle mass significantly.

Original article and pictures take www.fitnesss.net site

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